The qualification provides students with the opportunity to gain competence in poultry production and will facilitate their securing employment in the industry. For those who are already employed in a poultry production farm, the multi-skilling that the qualification offers will open up a career path in the industry.
Qualification Entry Requirements
Grade 11/12
(ABET and a lower qualification may be considered)
Mathematical Literacy
Prospective students are encouraged to further confirm the above entry requirements with the College Head before ruling themselves not compliant. Experimental learning may also be considered.
Career Path
Plant Pathologist
Consultant in horticulture
Ornamental horticulturist
Horticultural technician
Plant Care Worker
Nursery Staffer
Landscape Designer
Modules Per Trimester/Semester
1. Show an understanding of the structure of the poultry industry and the role it plays in the production of food for the population.
2. Indicate the principles and procedures of health and safety that are necessary in a poultry production facility.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of poultry.
4. Understand the various components that are used in poultry diets and the function of these in the promotion of health and growth.
5. Show an understanding of the dangers that microscopic organisms pose to biosecurity in a poultry production facility and the rules and procedures that are required to minimize their occurrence.
6. Recognize the importance of providing constant clean water for the continued health of poultry.
7. Indicate the importance of monitoring the environmental conditions for the production and health of poultry.
8. Understand the procedures for cleaning a poultry house at the end of a production cycle and the preparation for the introduction new flock.
9. Recognize the conditions that can lead to the onset of poultry diseases and the role of vaccines to prevent and control these